transform! yearbook 2016

Never before in the history of our network and journal has there been a year like 2015 in which the radical left – along with many unpoliticised people – has learned so much about what its possibilities and limits are within the European Union’s neoliberal architecture.

Discover transform!’s yearbook 2016 here as a PDF (or left/below in ‘Documents’).

Read the preface below. Or jump directly to the table of contents!

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Never before in the history of our network and journal has there been a year like 2015 in which the radical left – along with many unpoliticised people – has learned so much about what its possibilities and limits are within the European Union’s neoliberal architecture.

Syriza’s electoral victory in January and the victory of the OXI vote in July’s referendum demonstrate that radical left parties can build electoral majorities around a platform for political change. But, at the same time, it became clear what the limits are of what can be achieved with the current balance of forces within the European institutions and amongst Member States and to what extent a single country can resist when going it almost alone, with social movements, militant trade unions, and political parties of the European left still too small to defend it. People are thinking about strategy more intensely than ever before during the neoliberal era. Assessing the experience of the clash between Greece’s left government and the Troika, Yanis Varoufakis offers detailed proposals for an investment-led recovery and currency, banking, and debt policy as part of a feasible programme for the immediate future in the context of a new European network or platform now being put together. Without reducing the inner-party conflicts in Syriza to one between a ‘radical’ and ‘conservative’ wing, Michalis Spourdalakis draws a balance sheet of the first months of the left-led government and the loosening of contact with the party’s social base, maintaining that Syriza needs both to return to the social arena and stay in government.

The question of the kind of Europe that has to be fought for, and the national/international dialectic the left needs to master in resisting the governance of a globalised financial market are addressed by Étienne Balibar and Walter Baier. The left has always been internationalist, but it cannot afford to be in any way identified, by dint of its internationalism, with the actual neoliberal European project; this will necessarily allow a large part of the oppositional space to be claimed by the radical right and its nationalism. The post-democratic and neoliberal nature of the EU institutions is documented by Riccardo Petrella, the nexus of financialisation and austerity by Joachim Bischoff, and the labour regime the EU enforces is laid out by Karola Boger, while Adoración Guamán and Raúl Lorente show how EU policies have affected labour legislation in Spain and what attempts have been made to resist them. The question of how much can be changed within the framework of the Treaties, how much flexibility there can be for different national approaches, along with specific policy proposals, is debated by Axel Troost and Peter Wahl. But despite differing viewpoints one thing is certain: for the left, the labour movement, and other social movements, there can be no return to organisation on a purely national basis.

Michael Brie addresses the question of transformation on a general level – the origins of the idea in the French Revolution, gradual changes and rupture, changes within the system and pointing beyond it, the problem of absorbing the positive achievements of capitalist society while transcending them – of which the European dilemma is a specific case. Uta von Winterfeld addresses the crisis of the regenerative capacity of society and nature in her résumé of her studies on the structures of masculine bourgeois rationality which would have to be overcome in an ecological social transformation. Along with Winterfeld, Gabriele Winker’s thesis on transformation strategy via the care revolution addresses the crisis of social reproduction, and, as with the contributions on the commons, Winker offers readers the opportunity to become familiar with a considerable body of new theory and practice. Reproductive and care work, like the commons, are an integral aspect of any contemporary concept of social transformation.

In recent decades the radical left has devoted too little attention to concrete alternative industrial policies. However, the financial crisis and more especially the showdown with Greece within the crisis of the EU have begun to bring this kind of thinking into the foreground. Jürgen Klute documents in detail the continuing market orientation of the European Commission but also the small but significant shift towards recognising the need for investment in industry and of greater social and ecological protection as seen in recent communications and initiative reports of the European Parliament. Maxime Benatouil indicates the recent work organised by transform! Europe on productive reconstruction, and Javier Navascués discusses it in the context of Spain and other countries of Europe’s south.

Transformation and productive reconstruction cannot be conceived outside the context of the enormous movement, wide variety of projects, considerable body of theory, and, most dramatically at the local level, impressive impact of the new appreciation of common goods and the commons. Michel Bauwens, Vasilis Kostakis, and Alex Pazaitis, Pierre Dardot and Christian Laval, Wolfgang Hofkirchner, Theodora Kotsaka, Alfonso Gianni, and Roberto Musacchio offer an excellent opportunity to get abreast of the present state of theory and practice of the commons. Gianni and Musacchio, in particular, provide important information on the history of mutualism and cooperativism in Italy.

Last but not least, Transform continues to provide reports on the state of the left and the challenges it faces in the context of particular countries. Michalis Spourdalakis, Ilona Švihlíková, Anna Ochkina, Felicity Dowling and Kate Hudson, Murray Smith, and Leo Panitch and Hilary Wainwright’s interview with Jeremy Corbyn, help bring us up to date on developments in Greece, the Czech Republic, Russia, Great Britain, and Scotland in particular.

The volume closes with Maxime Benatouil’s report on activities and events organised by transform! europe network in 2015.

The transform! europe network was established in 2001 during the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre by a small group of intellectuals from six different European countries, representing left research institutions or journals, who wanted to coordinate their research and educational work. Today transform! consists of 28 member organisations and observers from 19 countries.

The network is coordinated by a board of eight members, and its office is located in Vienna. transform! maintains a multilingual website and publishes a continuously growing number of reports, analyses, and discussion papers on issues related to the process of European integration.

Just like the biannual journal which transform! published from 2007 to 2013, the yearbook is simultaneously published in several languages; it now appears in English, French, German, Greek, and Italian. Expanding our audience and broadening the horizon of the experiences reflected in transform! are not the only reasons why we publish our yearbook in several languages. We do not see translation as a mere linguistic challenge but consider it a way to bridge political cultures that find their expression in different languages and in the varied use of seemingly identical political concepts. This kind of political translation is of particular importance when set against the current historical backdrop of the left in Europe, and it focuses on finding unity in diversity by combining different experiences, traditions, and cultures. It is at the heart of transform! europe’s work.

We would like to thank all those who have collaborated in producing this volume: our authors, our coordinators for the various language editions, and finally our publishers, Merlin Press.

Walter Baier, Eric Canepa, and Eva Himmelstoss

The Enigma of Europe

More Than Ever: For Another Europe! August 2015 Theses [1]

By Étienne Balibar

The general impression one has today is of an impasse in the structure of the European Union as a democratic project benefiting its populations and contributing to a better world. As an adherent of…

The First Months of a Long Struggle

By Jeremy Corbyn Leo Panitch Hilary Wainwright

On 12 November 2015, Leo Panitch and Hilary Wainwright spoke with Jeremy Corbyn on a train to London from Birmingham where he had been meeting with union shop stewards.

The Complexity of the Reform that Europe Needs and the Challenges for the Left

By Elisabeth Gauthier

Editorial note: This article is not part of the printed version of the English yearbook edition. It is available only online. The shock of what we can only call the defeat of the European Union’s…

When Winter Came in July: The Left Has to Rethink Europe

By Walter Baier

After the Paris attacks, Europe froze into a winter of icy fear. But contrary to the media’s image, the threat, which is exploited to enforce surveillance and tightened border controls, is at least as…

What Happened in Greece – What Was Possible – What Is a Feasible Europe-wide Programme Now?

By Haris Golemis Yanis Varoufakis

Haris Golemis: The goal of Syriza before the elections of 25 January 2015 and of the government that was subsequently formed was to negotiate with the creditors over the abolition of the memoranda, to…

The Fall of Europe and the Ceding of Sovereign Power to the European Central Bank

By Riccardo Petrella

Can a Democratic Europe be Built By De-privatising Political Power?

Financialisation – Secular Stagnation – Neoliberal Austerity

By Joachim Bischoff

The political, social, and cultural upheavals of recent decades can be understood as aspects of an epochal transformation of capitalism. The social practice of regulated capitalism growing out of the…

Notes on Nature, Crisis, and Domination

By Uta von Winterfeld

In preparing for this congress,[1] I thought back to a paper I delivered together with Adelheid Biesecker in 2014 on multiple crises and social contracts.[2] Our point of departure was that political…

European Employment Policy: A Political Landscape

By Karola Boger

The European Commission plays a leading role in shaping European employment policy through programmes and legislation. The following is a brief outline of the European Parliament that was elected in…

Transformation Strategies: Productive Reconstruction and the Commons

Twofold Transformation: Strategic Challenges for the Left

By Michael Brie

The origins of transformation: The Great French Revolution and the Declaration of Human and Civil Rights All of us, whether we are we are politically on the left or the right, act in the light cast…

A Renaissance of Industrial Policy in the EU: The Challenge for the European Left

By Jürgen Klute

The EU’s continuing financial and economic crisis, which began in 2008, has shifted the focus of political debates at the European Commission and the European Parliament (EP) towards the importance of…

Notes on Productive Reconstruction in the Southern Periphery of the European Union

By Javier Navascués

External account imbalances, investments and profits: which come first? From its very beginnings the crisis has generated many interpretations and consequently recipes to solve it. Among…

Towards a Society of the Commons[1]

By Michel Bauwens Vasilis Kostakis Alex Pazaitis

The re-emergence of the commons For much of the history of industrial and post-industrial capitalism, political conflict has been between state and market, the issue being whether to use state…

The Common: An Essay on the 21st-Century Revolution

By Pierre Dardot Christian Laval

Our point of departure is that the common is a principle of political activity constituted by the specific activity of deliberation, judgement, decision, and the implementation of decisions. However,…

Mutualism Between Tradition and Modernity [1]

By Alfonso Gianni

One of the most important trade-union and political leaders of the Italian labour movement, Vittorio Foa (1910-2008), explained the reason for his study on the birth of the labour movement, both…

Care Revolution: A Feminist-Marxist Transformation Strategy from the Perspective of Caring for Each Other

By Gabriele Winker

Concern for one’s own wellbeing is as essential to human existence as concern for others. Beginning with, and especially at, birth, people are dependent on the care of others, without which they could…

The Commons and Global Sustainable Information Society (GSIS)

By Wolfgang Hofkirchner

The age of global challenges The information age is the age of the societies into which industrialised societies are transforming, as seen in the spread of new information and communication…

The Greek Water Referendum and the Distinction Between Public and Common Goods

By Theodora Kotsaka

The last decade in Western Europe has seen a dynamic of remunicipalisation in the water and energy sectors that is part of a global trend.1 Especially in the water sector, one municipality after…

Cooperativism and Self-management in Italy

By Roberto Musacchio

The discussion and the movement underway around the issue of the commons – common goods is the term used in Italy – benefits from knowing something of its prehistory. This is particularly true for our…


For Fundamental Reform of the European Economic and Monetary Union

By Axel Troost

How should the European Monetary Union be reformed? The president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, ‘in close cooperation’ with the presidents of the European Council, the Eurogroup,…

Neither Eurofetishism nor Nationalism: A Third Way for an Emancipatory Europe Policy

By Peter Wahl

The European Union’s many crises are being expressed in all manner of centrifugal tendencies, fragmentation, and erosion. By the time of the 2008 financial crisis it became apparent that only the…

Country Reports

Rekindling Hope: Syriza’s Challenges and Prospects

By Michalis Spourdalakis

Before turning to the main theme of this article it would be very useful to come to terms with at least the following preliminary observations: The left in government and especially the radical left…

The UK and the EU Referendum

By Patrícia Martins Felicity Dowling

Sometime before the end of 2017 – and most probably in 2016 – the British people will face a referendum on the country’s membership of the European Union. The referendum was a pledge included in the…

Scotland and the Crisis of the British State

By Murray Smith

For more than twenty years the most radical developments in British politics have taken place in Scotland. The situation may be changing, not because Scotland is less radical, but because the forces…

Transformation of the Czech Republic: New Challenges and Problems

By Ilona Švihlíková

The transformation process in the Czech Republic is a complex combination of economic and political dynamics. It represents the same logic that has underlain similar post-1989 processes in other…

Russia: The Illusion of Accord – The Reality of Confrontation

By Anna Ochkina

An objective critical and constructive analysis of Russian reality is typically impeded by widespread myths. Most notably, there is the myth of the totalitarian sole dictator – the omnipotent Russian…

Austerity Measures and Labour Law Reforms in Spain: A New Standard?

By Adoración Guamán Raúl Lorente

The economic and sovereign debt crisis is having a particularly strong impact on Spain and its labour market. In comparison with other EU countries, Spain has lost more jobs, more rapidly, than other…

Activity Report

transform! europe 2015 at a Glance

By Maxime Benatouil

To my co-workers, comrades and friends Barbara, Katerina, Heidi, Dagmar, and Eva. In gratitude for their help and patience. For over fifteen years, transform! has been working as a horizontal network…