The Other Agenda. Knowledge and Life

Webinar Series

Two webinars organised by transform! italia on the theme of building an Other World Agenda, in the face of the indisputable failure of the market capitalist system based on the private appropriation of knowledge (and of life), e.g. patents on seeds, on medicines, on artificial intelligence, privatization of all common goods essential for life.


The first webinar (27.9.) will bring on the critical analysis of the failure. The second (29.9.) will examine the founding principles and the medium and long-term objectives of the process of building an Other Agenda.

The two webinars will be followed on October 28 by an international online conference centered on the Other Agenda. A becoming for the life of all the inhabitants of the Earth.


27 Sept. 2021

The failure of the Science&Technology-based system

15:00 – 17:00

English, French


  • Cornelia Hildebrandt, Co-President of transform! europe
  • Riccardo Petrella, President of the Agora of the Earth’s Inhabitants
  • Paolo Ferrero, Vice President of the Party of the European Left representative of the Amazonian Peoples (Brazil)
  • Anthony Laurent, Editor-in-Chief of « Sciences Critiques »
  • Roberto Savio, President of Other News
  • Alassane Ba, Director of the Centre Humanitaire des Métiers de la Pharmacie
  • Amadou T. Wone, Former Minister of Education, Senegal
  • Nicoletta Pirotta, International European Feminist Network
  • Marcos P. Arruda, economist and educator, Coordinator of PACS-Instituto Políticas Alternativas para o Cone Sul, Brazil
  • Roberto Morea, transform! Italia
  • Roberto Musacchio, transform! Italia


29 Sept. 2021

Towards building the Other Agenda

15:00 – 18:00

English, French


  • Marga Ferrè, Co-President of transform! europe
  • Roberto Mancini, Professor, University of Macerata
  • Paola De Meo, Terra Nuova
  • Riccardo Petrella, President of the Agora of the Earth’s Inhabitants
  • Marcos P. Arruda, PACS-Instituto Políticas Alternativas para o Cone Sul, Brazil
  • Joao Caraça, former Director of Gulbenkian Foundation and President of the University of Coimbra, Portugal
  • Anthony Laurent, editor-in-chief of « Sciences critiques », France
  • Roberto Savio, President of Other News
  • Paolo Cacciari, writer and ecologist
  • Amadou T. Wone, Former Miniser of Education, Senegal
  • Roberto Morea, transform! Italia
  • Roberto Musacchio, transform! italia
  • Heinz Bierbaum, President of the Party of the European Left