Marxist Studies Week: Multiple Crisis? Aggravation, Processing and Counterforces.


This Marxist Studies Week is aimed primarily at students and young activists and will delve into the concept of « multiple crisis » or « polycrisis ». With the support of transform! europe. Register now!

The study week « Marxist Studies Week: Multiple Crisis? Aggravation, Processing and Counterforces » is organized by the Heinz Jung Foundation, the editorial staff of Z. Zeitschrift Marxistische Erneuerung and the Institute for Social-Ecological Economic Research « isw », with the support of transform! europe.

This year, the focus will be on the diversity of crisis processes we are currently witnessing, their respective specific causes and paths as well as their interconnectedness. The participants will also examine to which extent and how these crisis processes are related to the crisis dynamics of contemporary global capitalism.

► Practical information
Registration: Please write to redaktion AT
Participation incl. meals and overnight stay: 50€.

Seminar page:

The study week is aimed primarily at students and young activists.


Lectures, panels, discussions, working groups, evening programme.

With Rolf Czeskleba-Dupont, Judith Delheim, Dominik Feldmann, Jörg Goldberg, Sabine Leidig, Thomas Sablowski, Michael Schwan, Darya Sotordeeh, Anne Tittor, Peter Wahl, and others.

Monday, 7 August
Multiple Crisis? Actuality, Term, Concept
Tuesday, 8 August
Aggravation and mutual reinforcement of crisis elements?
Wednesday, 9 August
Strategies of crisis management
Thursday, 10 August
Left answers and socio-political perspectives