During and After the Pandemic: What Health Politics in Europe?


To analyse concrete solutions to the ongoing healthcare crisis and to discuss ways to fight inequalities in the access to healthcare services – after decades of neoliberal policies –, this webinar brings together health professionals from different European countries.


Organised by the Public Services Working Group of the Party of the European Left in cooperation with transform! europe

Friday, 16 April 2021
19:00 (CET)

Languages: English, Italian, French, Greek and Spanish

Loretta Mussi, doctor, specialized in preventive medicine and health law. Director of Health of major Italian public hospitals. Medical Director of Public Health (Italy)
Yiannis Baskozos, doctor in endocrinology, former General Secretary of the Health Ministry, advisor at WHO (Greece)
Karsten Vrangbæk, Professor, Director of the Centre of Health Economics and Policy (CHEP), University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
Antoni Barbará Molina, doctor and social activist. Specialist in Internal Medicine and consultant in Public Health, with  51 years of clinical practice. Founder of social organisations such as DEMPEUS por la Salud Pública and the Marea Blanca de Catalunya, and of the Coordinadora Estatal de Mareas Blancas (Spain)
Ana Vračar, regional coordinator of People’s Health Movement. Expert in the health workforce particularly trades unionisation and organization of health workers. Project coordinator in the Organisation for Workers’ Initiative and Democratisation (OWID). Researcher in the field of commercialisation and privatisation of health care in Croatia (Croatia)
Sabrina Ali  Benali, doctor and an activist of the social care system. Author of the book « The revolt of an intern – Health and hospital in a state of emergency ».

The event will be moderated by Stavros Stellas – Coordinator of the Working Group Public Service of the EL (Syriza).


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