European Left Summer University July 2024

Registration Deadline:  11 & 27 June 

Polytechnic School of Mieres – University of Oviedo

Simultaneous translation in English, French and Spanish


Summer University
is coming !

Since 2006, the Party of the European Left and transform!europe co-organise the Summer University, a cycle of training seminars and plenaries aiming to bring together left forces and deepen the programmatic debates for a left alternative for Europe.

The 2024 edition takes place in Mieres (Asturias, Spain) 11-14 July 2024
at the at the Polytechnic School of Mieres – University of Oviedo.

Simultaneous translation in English, French and Spanish will be provided.

register here

You can register with or without full-board accommodation on the registration page.

Deadline for registering: 27th of June (11th of June, if you choose the Albergue Roma in Pola de Lena)