European Elections 2024 Map

During the election days, transform! europe will closely monitor the process, publishing results from all countries, starting with the initial exit polls and culminating in the final official results. You can use our interactive map to navigate from Spain to Sweden and from Lithuania to Greece!

The interactive map features pre-election analyses and will also serve as a platform for post-election evaluation and reflection of the results from a left perspective.
Our entire network, comprising all member and observer organisations, plays a vital role in this effort, actively contributing their insights from their respective countries.

  Click on the selected countries to view the election results*
and read pre- and post-election reports! 


*The election results show the sum of the votes that left-wing parties received in individual countries in 2019 and 2024. The percentages are determined by the participation of the corresponding parties in THE LEFT group in the European Parliament (from the current perspective).