Municipalities’ use of EU cohesion funds in response to Covid-19


Source: The Left in the European Parliament

One year into the Covid-19 crisis – how does the EU help municipalities to cope? Watch the full video.


Financial support from EU regional funds has been vital for keeping public services going in EU countries already before, but even more so with the Covid-19 crisis.

Municipalities are at the forefront of providing many of the very practical aspects of support to people, public services and enterprises most affected by the health, social, economic and logistic challenges.

Therefore, we have looked into reports and asked local representatives in several EU countries (France, Germany, Cyprus, Netherlands, Slovenia, Poland…):

How efficient and accessible are EU crisis measure like CRII+ and REACT-EU for municipalities? What lessons can be learned for EU policy, what recommendations can be given to Member States, regions and the local level? What are implications more broadly for EU regional cohesion policy?

Together with the European Policies Research Centre we will be launching the study «Municipalities’ use of EU cohesion policy funding in response to the Covid-19 crisis: Current experience and lessons for the future».

Wednesday, 10 March 2021
15:30 – 17:00 (CET)

Languages: EN, DE, FR & EL


  • Younous Omarjee MEP (La France Insoumise, France, Chair of the REGI committee at the European Parliament)
  • Martina Michels MEP (Die Linke, Germany, the Left in the European Parliament’s REGI coordinator)
  • Dr. Martin Ferry (senior research fellow at EPRC, research team leader)
  • Dimitris Papadimoulis MEP (The Left/Greece, Vice-President of the European Parliament, BUDG coordinator)
  • Niyazi Kizilyürek MEP (AKEL, Cyprus, REGI member)


Originally published at the website of The Left (GUE/NGL)