Global Counter-Summit of Social Movements

The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank will hold their annual meeting in Morocco this October. Join us in Marrakech from 12 to 15 October, on the occasion of the forthcoming annual meetings of the WB and IMF, to discuss the unjust international monetary system but also how we can achieve Climate Justice for all.

In October, for the 2nd time in 50 years the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank will hold their annual meetings in Africa. Social Movements don’t welcome them at all.

The social and climate movements, trade unions, women’s, small farmers’ and indigenous peoples’ organisations, non-governmental organisations and citizens of the world, will discuss there the unjust international monetary system but also how we can achieve Climate Justice for all. The summit of social movements will take place 12-15 Oct in Marrakech.

Get involved in the organisation of the Social Movements Counter-Summit against this IMF/WB Meeting!

NB: transform! europe will be present at the counter-summit. More information to come on this page.

Please find all relevant information on

And get involved here!