Crises and Victims – On Refugees, Migrants and Anti-Refugee Discourses


This workshop concentrates first on the critical analysis of global and European migration policies and second on how we can understand the competition among migrant groups and between migrant groups and local lower classes in a comparative and historical perspective. Beyond global analysis various countries will be covered including Hungary, Poland, Greece, Turkey and Germany.

Organizers: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Karl Polányi Center for Global Social Studies, and Eszmélet (Quarterly Journal for Social Critique)

The workshop is open for registered audience. Pleaseregister until 25 February:

See also:


26 February, 6 pm

Örökmozgó Film Theater
Erzsébet krt. 39, 1074 Budapest

Film screening: «We are young and we are strong» (Wir sind jung. Wir sind stark)
Directed by Burhan Qurbani, 2014 (123 minutes). The film is in German with Hungarian subtitles.

After the film roundtable discussion on the collapse of state socialism, change of the working class, neo-Nazism, anti-refugee riots and sentiments.

Speakers among others include Tamás Krausz, Annamária Artner, József Böröcz

The roundtable discussion is in Hungarian with simultaneous English translation (1 hour roundtable).

27 February, 9 am – 5 pm

Corvinus University
Fővám tér 8, Lecture room E 236, 1093 Budapest

The workshop concentrates on two issues. First on the critical analysis of global and European migration policies. Second on how we can understand the competition among migrant groups and between migrant groups and local lower classes in various countries.

Participants include:

József Böröcz (Rutgers University, New Brunswick) – «Materialist Background to the 2015 ‘Refugee Crisis of Europe'»
Prem Kumar Rajaram (CEU, Budapest)
Florin Poenaru (CriticAtac, Bucharest) – «Schengenfreude: Fear and melancholy in Romania during the migrant crisis»
Georgios Tsimouris (Panteion University, Athens)
Susan Zimmermann (CEU, Budapest), comment
Margit Feischmidt (HAS, Budapest)
Dagmar Svendova (transform! europe)

Linda Szabó Linda, Ágnes Gagyi, Tamás Gerőcs, Boldizsár Nagy, Julianna Faludi, Attila Melegh