Unite! Towards a progressive European strategy

Public Discussion: BLOCO - PODEMOS - SYRIZA - IU - LINKE

Albert Hall
Albertgasse 35
1080 Wien

The growing strength of Europe’s new progressive Left roots in the people’s desire to overcome the harsh reality of neoliberal austerity on our continent. Our success, however, depends on our capability to translate our vision and ideas into a real experience of a peaceful, modernist and above all humane Europe. Without question, this poses enormous structural and organisational challenges for all of us.

So let’s talk about this together and discuss what needs to be done.

Host organisations:
transform! europe
Nicos Poulantzas Institute
Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
Der Wandel

Free entry


Friday, 4 March, 7 pm


Barbara Steiner, transform! europe

International speakers:

– IZQUIERDA UNIDA: Marga Ferré, program responsible, coordination board
– SYRIZA: Nasos Iliopoulos, member of the political secretariat
– BLOCO DE ESQUERDA: Maria Manuel Rola, national board member
– PODEMOS: Francisco Orozco, member of the secretariat of int. relations
– DIE LINKE: Helmut Scholz, member of the European Parliament

Moderation: Fayad Mulla and Daniela Platsch, Der Wandel