Dialogue for a Ceasefire and Sustainable Peace in the Near East — Palestinian lives matter – Israeli lives matter! Peace now!

DIALOP initiative

Palestinian lives matter – Israeli lives matter!

Peace now!

This event offers a space for dialogue between representatives of religions, politicians, Christians, Jews and Muslims.

The organisers are concerned about the population in Gaza, the suffering and the ongoing Israeli campaign of annihilation of Hamas after the 7 October 2023 massacre, which at the same time extinguishes unbearable numbers of Palestinian lives and their livelihoods.

Furthermore, they are convinced that with this policy the question of the innocent hostages held by Hamas will remain unresolved and be exacerbated.

This event aims at reinforcing the institutions – for example, through the recognition of the state of Palestine – but also at emphasizing how the dialogue between the religions and secular society can contribute to a comprehensive peace process.


Ruti KatzOne State Embassy
Osama ZatarOne State Embassy
Aida Touma-SuleimanMember of the Knesset – Hadash Party
Salah Abdel ShafiAmbassador of Palestine in Vienna
Walter BaierPresident of the European Left
Wolfgang PalaverPresident of Pax Christi Österreich
Günter Hopfgartner – Party chairman, KPÖ, EU-top candidate
Yitzhak Frankenthal (Zoom) – Founder of the Bereaved Families Forum in Israel

Music: Isabel FreyStanding Together Vienna
Moderation: Clemens Behr – Fokolar-Bewegung

At the end of the programme, there will be time
for personal conversations with wine and bread. 

Registration is required for this event,  please write to office@dialop.eu

Cover image: Auntie P (via Flick, CC-BY-NC-SA)