8th Summer University 2013: “How to Change Europe?”

European Left and transform! europe invite

Venue: Congress Center of Estádio do Dragão (Gate 01), Porto

Airport: Porto – Francisco Sá Carneiro – OPO


Please find the registration form here: http://elsummeruniversity2013.wordpress.com/registration/

The 8th Summer University of the European Left Party and transform!europe will take place in Porto from 3 to 7 July. The first day will be organized by the EL Feminist Network (EL-FEM). July 7 is the day of departure.


In cooperation with the Portuguese EL member party Bloco de Esquerda, the Summer University aims to gather young activists and members of parties and social movements from all over Europe, for debates on current political and social issues.

In the workshops and the plenaries, participants will share experiences and discuss policies and initiatives for the construction of an alternative Europe.

Beside this exchange there shall be room for common collection of ideas in preparation for the EL election campaign to the next EP election in 2014.

For further information and organizational details please refer to http://elsummeruniversity2013.wordpress.com


Updated: 20 June 2013

Wednesday, 3 July


Reception desk at Estádio do Dragão – Gate 01

Gender Dayorganized by EL-Fem


15:00 – 16:00

Welcome. Introduction EL-Fem. Current coordination group.[SPACE 1]


16:15 – 19:00

Feminist Perspectives on Economy and Ecology [SPACE 1

Host: EL-Fem network:

  • Clara Alonso (Spain)
  • Irina Castro (Portugal)
  • Bärbel Lange (Germany)
  • Christiane Reymann (Germany)
  • Sofia Roque (Portugal)
  • Gunna Starck (Denmark)
  • Manuela Tavares (Portugal)

16:15 – 19:00
Violence and Patriarchy: Religious Fundamentalisms and Women’s Rights[SPACE 2]

Host: EL-Fem network, Imma Barbarossa (Italy)

  • Birge Krondorfer (Austria)
  • Maria José Magalhães(Portugal)
  • Colette Mo (France)
  • Conceição Nogueira (Portugal)
  • Annamaria Rivera (Italy)

19:30 – 20:30

Time for displacement to dinner venue (note: there is no organized transfer, get your guide at reception)


20:30 – 23:30

Cultural dinner offered by transform! europe (limited capacity: 150 places, get your ticket at reception)

Thursday, 4 July

09:30 – 10:30
Opening session of EL-SU [SPACE 1]
Welcome note: Renato Soeiro, ex-EL Board
Welcome speech: Marisa Matias, Vice-President EL
Opening speech: transform! Representative (tbc)
Opening speech: Maite Mola, Vice-President EL

10:30 – 12:30

Seminar 1 + Seminar 2 (in parallel)

1. Regional and urban left policies[SPACE 1]

Host: Pedro Soares, Bloco, Portugal

  • Daniel Morcillo, Spain
  • Pedro Bingre, Coimbra University, Portugal (tbc)
  • Sylvia Gabelmann, Die Linke North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany

2. The evolution of the Left parties in Europe[SPACE 2]

Host: Waltraud Fritz-Klackl, EL Executive Board, Austria

  • Cornelia Hildebrand, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Germany
  • Kate Hudson, political researcher and activist, UK
  • Loudovikos Kotsonopoulos, Nikos Poulantzas Institute, Greece

12:30 – 13:00 Break (and security time for seminars overtime)

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch [SPACE 1]

14:00 – 15:00 Porto special flash conferences #1 [SPACE 1]

What’s so special about the political history of Porto?

  • By Joel Cleto, Historian, Portugal

15:00 – 16:30
Seminar 3 + Seminar 4 (in parallel)

3. After the Alter Summit: perspectives for unitary action [SPACE 1]

Host: Anastasia Theodorakopoulou, EL Executive Board, Greece and Elisabeth Gauthier, transform! europe

  • Inger Johansen, Red-Green Alliance, Denmark
  • Felipe van Keirsbilck, CNE and AlterSummit coord, Belgium (tbc)
  • Maite Mola, EL vice-president, Spain
  • Young representative of social movements, Portugal

4. Employment policy,European Trade Union movement and the future of labour[SPACE 2]

Host: Paco Figueiroa, Spain

  • Portuguese trade-unionist (tbc)
  • Frenchtrade-unionist (tbc)

Free workshop [SPACE 6]

Are quota policies a priority of gender democracy? Left feminist perspectives and experiences.


Host: EL-Fem network

  • Eleonora Forenza, Italy
  • Vânia Martins, Portugal
  • Andrea Peniche, Portugal
  • Christiane Reymann, Germany
  • Cristina Simo, Spain

16:30 – 17:00Break (and security time for seminars overtime)

17:00 – 19:30
Seminar 5 [SPACE 1]

5. Peace and security:
 One century of world wars. Present conflicts. The role of Europe.

Host: Walter Baier, Transform! Europe, Austria 

  • Frank Deppe, political scientist, Germany
  • Lydia Samarkabash, international responsible PCF, France
  • Tatiana Moura, Executive Director Promundo, Brazil
  • Wolfgang Gehrcke, Die Linke MP, Germany

19:30 – 20:00Break (and security time for seminar overtime)


20:00 – 23:00 Political dinner [SPACE 1]

Latin America and Europe

Host: Maite Mola, Vice-President EL, Spain

  • Venezuela (speaker from PSUV) (tbc)
  • Ecuador (speaker from Alianza País) (tbc)
  • Valter Pomar, Secr. of Foro de São Paulo

23:00 – 23:30
Portuguese revolutionary songs [SPACE 1]by Rui David

Friday, 5 July

10:30 – 12:30

Seminar 6 + Seminar 7 (in parallel)

6. Public services and the Social State

Host: Antoni Barbara Molina, United Alternative Left (Catalunya), EL ExBoard, Spain

  1. Alda Sousa, Bloco de Esquerda MEP, Portugal
  2. Manuel Carvalho da Silva, Portugal
  3. Gabriele Michalitsch, economist and political scientist, Austria
  4. Dora Kalaitzidaki, Nikos Poulantzas Institute, Greece

7. Productive reconstruction of industry, agriculture and fisheries in Europe[SPACE 2]

Host:Xavier Compain, PCF, France

  • Carmo Bica, Bloco, Portugal
  • Joaquim Piló, Pres. Fishermen Free Trade Union, Portugal
  • Elena Papadopoulou, economist, Nikos Poulantzas Institute, Greece
  • Domagoj Mihalevic, economist, Subversive Forum, Croatia

12:30 – 13:00Break (and security time for seminars overtime)

13:00 – 14:00Lunch [SPACE 1]

14:00 – 15:00 Porto special flash conferences #2 [SPACE 1]

What’s so special about Porto wine culture?

By IVDP (tbc)

15:00 – 16:30
Workshops (in parallel)

Left Municipalities’ Experiences: Social Policies

Host: Carlos Matias, Councillor Entroncamento, Portugal

  • Ana Cristina Ribeiro, Mayor Salvaterra de Magos, Portugal (tbc)
  • Daniel Morcilo, Unidad Brigadas de Emergencia, Spain
  • Olga Katimertzi, SYRIZA, Greece

What is a Feminist Party? Women and the Left[SPACE 2]

Host: EL-Fem network, Hilde Grammel, Austria

  • Birge Krondorfer, Keynote Theses, Austria
  • Paula Canotilho, Portugal
  • Leonor Figueiredo, Portugal
  • Alda Macedo, Portugal
  • Carmen Madoran, Spain
  • Colette Mo, France
  • Saila Ruuth, Finland (tbc)
  • Syriza (Greece) (tbc)

Free workshops (in parallel)

Water privatization [SPACE 3]

Host: Renato de Nicola, European and Italian forum for public water, Italy

  • Pablo Sánchez Centellas, European Federation of Public Service Unions (epsu.org) (tbc)
  • Dora Kalaitzidaki, Nikos Poulantzas Institute, Greece

Political Communication Techniques [SPACE 4]

Host: Clara Alonso, Spain

  • Carlos Santos, esquerda.net, Portugal (tbc)
  • Gui Castro Felga, social movements activist, Portugal
  • Greek speaker (tbc)

What is a left think tank about  – transform! and cul:tra present themselves


Hosts: Barbara Steiner and Nuno Moniz, transform!


Populism and Far Right in Europe[SPACE 6]

(with whispering translation EN / FR)

Host: Elisabeth Gauthier, Espaces Marx, France

  • Miika Kabata, Finland
  • Joana Mortágua, Bloco, Portugal (tbc)

Culture of the Oppressed[SPACE 7]

Host: JP Väisänen, Communist Party, Finnland

  • Olga Athaniti, Syriza, Greece
  • Eva Brenner, experimental theatre, Austria

Lgbit-Rights and Fighting Homophobia [SPACE 8]

Host:Paulo Vieira, Bloco, Portugal

  • (tbc)

16:30 – 17:00Break (and security time for workshops overtime)

17:00 – 19:30
Seminar 8 [SPACE 1]

8. Out of the debt crisis: new role of ECB and public banking sector in financing the economy.

Host: Elena Papadopoulou, Nikos Poulantzas Institute, Greece

  • Mariana Mortágua, Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal
  • Antti Rokainen, Finland
  • José Gusmão, Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal
  • Andrej Hunko, Die Linke MP, Germany

19:30 – 20:00 Break (and security time for seminar overtime)

20:00 – 23:00
Political dinner [SPACE 1]

  • Ilker Haydar,Freedom and Solidarity Party – ÖDP, Turkey (tbc)
  • Willy Meyer, Izquierda Unida MEP, Spain
  • Jean Luc Melenchon – Co-President of Parti de Gauche, France (tbc)
  • Catarina Martins – Coordinator of Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal

23:00 – … Party or cultural event [SPACE 1]

Saturday, 6 July

10:30 – 12:30
Seminar 9 + Seminar 10 (in parallel)

9. Common sense and the fight for cultural hegemony

Hosts: Miguel Cardina and Nuno Serra, Portugal

  • José Manuel Pureza, Bloco, Portugal

10. Environmental policies and ecosocialism [SPACE 2]

Host: Nelson Peralta, EL Environment WG

  • Luís Fazenda, Bloco de Esquerda MP, Portugal
  • Tassos Hovardas, Nikos Poulantzas Institute, Greece

12:30 – 13:00Break (and security time for seminars overtime)

13:00 – 14:00Lunch [SPACE 1]


14:00 – 15:00 Porto special flash conferences #3  [SPACE 1]

What’s so special about the architecture of Porto?

By Alexandre Alves Costa, Architect, Portugal


15:00 – 16:30 Workshop


Left municipalities‘ experiences: free public transport [SPACE 1]

Host: Renato Soeiro, EL ExBo, Portugal

  • Magali Giovannangeli, President of „communauté d’agglomération“ of Pays d’Aubagne and l’Etoile, France
  • Heitor Sousa, Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal
  • Estonian speaker (tbc)


Free workshops (in parallel)

 The situation in Central and Eastern Europe  [SPACE 3]

  Host: Grigore Petrenco, EL ExBo, Modova

  • José Goulão, journalist, Portugal
  • Jiri Malek, Czech Republic

Solidarity networks  [SPACE 4]

            Host: Theano Fotiou, Greece

Basic Income Citizen Initiative in Europe  [SPACE 5]

Host: João Lafuente, Pedro Ramajal, Bloco, Portugal

  • Kaisu Suopanki, Left Forum, Finland
  • A promoter of the Citizen Initiative (tbc)

The struggle about history  [SPACE 6]

Host: Sigfrido Ramirez, Akademia network-historians, Belgium

  • Fernando Rosas, Bloco, Portugal
  • Frank Deppe, RLS, Germany
  • Birgit Daiber, RLS, Germany

European students movements  [SPACE 7]

Host: Judith Benda, Die Linke, Germany

  • José Miranda, Bloco, Portugal
  • Clara Alonso, Spain


16:30 – 17:00           Break (and security time for workshops overtime)

17:00 – 19:30           Seminar 11 [SPACE 1]

11. Strategic choices of the Left in Europe

  Host: José Soeiro, Portugal and Christiane Reymann, Germany

  • European trade unionist (tbc)
  • Francisco Louçã, Bloco, Portugal
  • Yannis Bournos, Nikos Poulantzas Institute, Greece
  • Pierre Laurent, President of EL, PCF general secretary, France


19:30 – 20:00 Break (and security time for seminar overtime)

20:00 – 23:00 Political diner (closing session of EL-SU 2013)  [SPACE 1]

Host: Marisa Matias – Vice Presid. of EL, Bloco, Portugal

  • Walter Baier – Coordinator of Transform!
  • João Semedo – Coordinator of Bloco, Portugal
  • Pierre Laurent, President of EL, PCF general secretary, France


7 Sunday



Interpretation: Audio systems with professional interpretation (in 3 languages: Portuguese, French and English) will be available only at spaces 1 and 2.

Methodology: This is a participative event. It means we will apply the general rule of allocating not more than 50% of the duration of each seminar, workshop or free workshop to the initial interventions from the panels, leaving at least 50% of time for interventions and debate with the other participants.

Political dinners: Dinners will start at 20:00 for registered people but the dinner political speeches will start only at 21:30 with free entrance.