Assessing Finland’s Position in the Upcoming European Elections


Finland heads into the European elections amidst ongoing austerity measures under its right-wing government. The administration has faced criticism for its policies, including efforts to curtail working-class gains such as the proposed ban on political strikes (meaning strikes against the government). Currently, all seats in the Finnish government are held by right-wing parties.

In the Finnish parliament, there are nine parties represented, with the largest being the right-wing National Coalition Party (Kokoomus) with 48 MPs. Following closely behind is The Finns Party (Perussuomalaiset), a populist and far-right party, with 46 MPs. The leading opposition party is the Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP) with 43 MPs. The fourth-largest party is the Centre Party (Keskusta) with 23 MPs. The Green League (Vihreä liitto) holds the fifth position with 13 MPs, while the Left Alliance (Vasemmistoliitto) follows as the sixth-largest party with 11 MPs. The Swedish People’s Party of Finland (RKP), also part of the government, holds seventh place with 9 MPs. The Christian Democrats (KD), also in government, rank eighth with 5 MPs. The smallest party in the Finnish parliament is Movement Now (Liike Nyt), represented by only one member of parliament.

The European People’s Party Group includes the National Coalition Party. The Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats is represented by the Social Democratic Party of Finland. Renew Europe comprises the Centre Party and the Swedish People’s Party of Finland. The Greens–European Free Alliance has the Green League. The European Conservatives and Reformists are represented by the Finns Party. Lastly, the Left group is represented by the Left Alliance.

On 5 April, the polls indicated that the Social Democratic Party (21.7%) has surpassed the National Coalition Party (20.6%) to become the largest party in Finland. The Finns Party, although still the third-largest party, has experienced a decline in popularity and now stands at 17.4%.

In the Finnish parliament, there are two parties that consider themselves left-wing: the Social Democratic Party of Finland and the Left Alliance. The Left Alliance was previously a member of the Party of the European Left (EL), but since late 2022, it has the status of observer within the European Left. While the Communist Party of Finland is a member of the EL , it is not represented in the parliament.

The Finnish right-wing government has persisted with its austerity policies, shaping the political landscape in Finland. Despite widespread protests and demonstrations, there is also considerable support and understanding for the government’s approach. Additionally, the Finnish government maintains a pro-European Union stance, although the Finns Party has expressed opposition to certain EU initiatives. For instance, the government advocates for increased military coordination under EU auspices and maintains a firm stance against Russia. Moreover, the government seeks economic growth facilitated by EU-level initiatives.

At present, there is a political alliance for the EP elections between the Christian Democrats and Movement Now. Its objective is to secure two seats in the European Parliament. With Finland having 14 seats, both parties have the opportunity to nominate 10 candidates each.

As for the Communist Party of Finland (SKP), closely aligned with the Democratic Civic Association, it actively participates in an international and evolving movement. Collaborative election efforts are underway with the EL, as well as other communist and radical left-wing parties, alongside the Left group in the European Parliament.

Cover-Photo: ©Ale_Mi via Depositphotos.